Haven Deli



43 Buxton Rd, High Lane, Stockport SK6 8DR


07311 120977

Haven Deli​

Welcome to Haven Deli — your gateway to an authentic Japanese dining experience right in the heart of the UK. Our signature is the freshest sashimi, meticulously selected from the day’s catch to ensure that only the most succulent and flavorful slices make it to your plate. Our diverse sushi menu promises a journey through the art of Japanese cuisine, with each roll crafted to perfection by our skilled sushi chefs. Beyond sushi, we delve into the rich tapestry of Japanese culinary traditions, offering a variety of classic dishes that cater to the discerning palate. Step inside and be transported to Japan with our elegantly themed décor, where the ambiance harmonizes with the serene simplicity characteristic of Japanese design. At Haven Deli, we’re not just serving meals; we’re offering an escape to a miniature Japan in the UK — an experience that will linger on your senses long after your visit. Join us for an unforgettable dining adventure.


歡迎光臨Haven Deli —— 您在英國的日式料理綠洲。在這裡,我們提供各式各樣的新鮮刺身,每一片都經過精挑細選,保證每一口都是味覺的盛宴。而我們多樣化的壽司選項,從傳統經典到創新口味,都由我們的專業壽司師傅巧手製作,為您帶來視覺與味覺的雙重享受。

Haven Deli不僅止於壽司,我們的日式料理選單豐富多彩,無論是溫暖人心的味噌湯、鹽燒秋刀魚,還是經典的天婦羅和燒烤,每一道菜都蘊含著日本料理的精髓。踏入餐廳,您會立刻被充滿日本風情的裝潢所吸引,每一處細節都反映出和風美學的恬靜與雅致。

在Haven Deli,我們致力於不僅僅是提供餐點,更是為您締造一場日本風情的味覺之旅。不論是家庭聚餐,朋友相聚,或是商務宴請,我們都竭誠歡迎,期待在這片英倫土地上,為您奉上一段難忘的日本料理饗宴。



we love to serve our customers

Free Delivery

Order minimum $1000 (KLN, NT) or $1500 (HK Island)
For deliveries please call 2148 3723


Cash on Delivery



Drink Responsibly

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business.